Thursday, May 12, 2011


Being a mother to three children before hitting the BIG 30 is quite an achievement for someone like me.

Others may have thier masters degrees and high flying careers, jetting about the world, drinking champagne and joining the mile high club; but nope, for me there's nothing more livening than having three kids, being dragged around to places where they want to be(when they finally seem to agree) and going to social functions with one baby tucked under my arm, and two trailing along-usually with one bawling and the other griping about me not getting her the things she wants..and with me looking all dishevelled with a stupid grin slapped on my face for good measure....ahhh this is definitely the height of motherhood bliss!!

Everyone else I know in my league are just getting married or are engaged or even just starting a family of thier own...little do they know how peaceful it is to have just one child, even two...harharha

I cant complain (much) since I have a great network of friends, family and helpers that help me along the way-be it something that needs constant wiping such as a nose, bum or mouth; even trying to manage timeouts and shouting out 'DONT TOUCH THAT DAMMIT!?!' Yes I have my fair share of help of which I am grateful for, literally every second of each day. Atleast I get a few minutes and hours to myself to do what I have to do be it, getting dressed, checking my emails, getting shock theraphy...oops scratch that I mean meditating....on a good book or tv show or cartoon, which is usually the case here.

And there is never a moment where all three are peacefully happy, except of course when they are asleep! But that doesnt count I suppose now does it?
And as for Deepak Chopra's book on spiritual parenting...I know its here somewhere in this pile of mess...ah well as I was saying, as for his book-he must've have had very angelic and obedient children...otherwise how else could he explain it all away, each time mentioning to react to every situation with patience and good humour?

It seems lovely and I try, but goodness, what am I supposed to say and do when Im supervising two children taking the opportunity of my nursing the baby, to maim eachother ? Both are trying to get at the scissors, my toddler trying to stab her with it, while she attempts to bite his I supposed to calmly smile, tell them that such behaviour in uncomely and they should hash it out like the rational adults they will become?? I think by then I'd have had an emergency case on my hands .

But then again, there are moments, which I wouldnt replace for the world; like the moment my toddler generously shares some yummy tidbit with his sister and her styling his hair for an outing and best of all what we all cant resist-the little baby's smiles and gurgles that have us all smiling back at him.

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