Saturday, July 13, 2013

A letter to twenty years from now

Dear Me,
                   Twenty years from now you'll be having a different set of worries from now. Some already imagined and some impossible even in your dreams.
                    You may have grown older but who can say if you've grown any wiser? For we learn each day and every moment. We change, that is the only assurity that I can give. How will you face age? You hope with grace and elegance because its a downhill battle from here on.
                     Your children? Don't even want to think about it but Im sure you hope that with enough love, care, kisses and cuddles, they'll grow up right if you're any proof that a mother's love works.
                      Your main worry I guess is finances and how you are to finance the schooling as you calculate the daily rising prices versus your income. You worry about caring for your mother and her health and whether you will be a good daughter to her and reflect as you look on at other daughters and their mothers.
                      You hope, as every parent does, that your child will turn out to become brilliant valued individuals in society yet who can say whether they will turn out as you wish. You have kept plan B, C and D reserved in case they don't turn out social butterflies and outstanding citizens. And if the boys have a string of one night stands and many illegitimate children, you hope that they take with dignity the answer you already have ready for them, "go out there, work and pay the alimony yourself, they aren't my kids!"
                       You also very much hope that your daughter will have a husband who will carry her handbag when necessary, cook her dinner and breakfast in bed, hug her and sooth her when she is in need of care and calm her when her temper flares.
                        I know you have BIG dreams for yourself that you don't like to share with anyone and this is one reason why you work so hard or maybe you just like being a workaholic...nonetheless I know your little secret of dreams of grandeur and great schemes. This is also one reason why you strive and hope to become better than the tiny person that you are now. I know you think there are big shoes to fill from the family and spiritual legacy left behind and you will struggle and climb till your last breath to ensure that you live it to the full.
                        You may worry about your country and its situation and choose now not to vote just yet, but you will be voting every time from 2018 onwards, but I hope that your judgement will be as sound if not better as you age and vote for wise and steady leaders that will not sell our country to our neighbours for lining their pockets and you hope there are people out there who have a drop of wisdom, care and integrity of our Kings. You hope to even see a female Prime Minister as you secretly know Bhutanese women are tough and may make better leaders than the men right now.
                         As you turn the big 50 in twenty years, you hope that you can look back and know that though you may not become Prime Minister or an actress or singer, that you've made your own unique mark, that you've contributed towards the greater good and touched atleast a few people's hearts enough to make them change for the better. You hope to look back and smile at the life you had and a few tears in your eyes for those who've left before you.
                        Oh and I also know that you plan to dye your hair a shocking pink once it goes grey all over...good for you, go define a new weird kooky cool!!!;p